There are multiple ways to install WordPress, but one of the easiest ways is using WordOps

WordOps is a script wrapper which takes care of installing required components like a database, PHP, Nginx, WordPress, etc.

Key Features

  • Easy to install : One step automated installer and easy migration from EasyEngine v3
  • Fast deployment : Fast and automated WordPress, Nginx, PHP, MySQL & Redis installation
  • Up-to-date : Nginx 1.16.0 with Brotli support, PHP 7.2 & 7.3, MariaDB 10.3 & Redis 5.0
  • Secured : Hardened WordPress security with strict Nginx location directives
  • Powerful : Optimized Nginx configurations with multiple cache backends support
  • SSL : Let's Encrypt SSL certificates handled by
  • Modern : Secured SSL/TLS with strong ciphers_suite, modern TLS protocols and HSTS support
  • Monitoring : Live Nginx vhost traffic with ngx_vts_module and server monitoring with Netdata

Hardware requirements


WordOps is very lightweight, it doesn't require a lot of resources and can be installed on low end devices like Raspberry PI. Minimum requirements are :

~100MB of storage



However, if you are going to use WordOps in production, some services like MySQL or Redis may need more resources, and running WordOps stacks without enough resources could impact your sites performance. Resources usage also highly depend on your site traffic. Here our recommended hardware configuration for production :

Multi-core CPU

20GB SSD storage


Operating Systems

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (xenial) x86_64
  18.04 LTS (bionic) x86_64
  19.04 (disco) x86_64
Debian 8 (jessie) x86_64
  9 (stretch) x86_64
Raspbian 9 (stretch) armv7l

One-Step Automated Install

It can be installed with the following command :

wget -qO wo && sudo bash wo

Alternative : Clone Github repository and run

git clone
cd WordOps/
sudo bash install

Installing WordOps stacks (optional)


Before creating your first site with WordOps, you can install WordOps main stacks with the command

wo stack install

You can create site with WordOps by using the command wo site create.

WordOps will always :

  • install required stack if needed
  • configure Nginx vhost
  • create site directory

WordOps can also :

  • create the site database
  • install WordPress (with or without caching)
  • secure site with Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
  • You can see all the options available to create site in the command list site create


Basic site

Basic html site

wo site create site.tld --html

Simple PHP site

wo site create site.tld --php

Simple PHP + MySQL site

wo site create site.tld --mysql

WordPress site

Simple WordPress site

wo site create site.tld --wp

WordPress site with Nginx fastcgi_cache

wo site create site.tld --wpfc

WordPress site with Redis cache

wo site create site.tld --wpredis

PHP 7.3

Simple PHP 7.3 + MySQL site

wo site create site.tld --mysql --php73

Simple PHP 7.3 site

wo site create site.tld --php73

Simple WordPress site with PHP 7.3

wo site create site.tld --wp ---php73

Let's Encrypt

WordPress site secured with Let's Encrypt

wo site create site.tld --wp --letsencrypt

WordPress site on subdomain secure with Let's Encrypt

wo site create site.tld --wp --letsencrypt=subdomain

WordPress site with PHP 7.3 and secured by Let's Encrypt

wo site create site.tld --wp --php73 --letsencrypt
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